McALLEN, Texas – The editorial board at The Monitor is calling for Texas to take a closer look at “green” energy, even with the state’s close historical connections to the oil and gas industry.
The editorial board pointed to the alternative energy production already present in the state, such as wind farms along the Gulf Coast in Willacy and Kenedy counties, with more planned in Hidalgo County. There could also be opportunity to develop solar power opportunities in South Texas, and some investment has already taken place toward that end.
Green energy sources include not only private interests, but small-scale public development such as solar panels to supplement power sources at schools. This provides the added opportunity for students to have hands-on learning with the technology.
Even some H-E-B grocery stores across the state have converted roof space into energy production.
The editorial board argues for officials in the Valley to promote developing technologies such as solar panels for home roofs.